Nationwide Rollout ETA


Created By Students For Students

  • Build your community

    Follow your classmates to succeed together

  • Hire your tutors

    Pick a student or professional tutor to help you on your journey

  • Build your business

    Opportunity to build a business or a side hustle.

  • Organize your university tutors

    Universities can partner with Fly to create a user friendly experience for both there students and tutors.

Adnan Masic

CEO of Study Buddy LLC

The best education you can give yourself is the ability to educate others.

Transform your education

Build Your Business

Put the power back in your hands

Set your availability

Tutors set there own availability and can accept or deny tutoring requests.

set your price

Open market pricing and low service fees allows tutors to set the price they want.

Track your progress

Tutors are given statistics on how they're doing and what days they perform the best.

Grow your business

The better the stars the more traffic you will incur.

Get more information on how you can help

Help Your University Transition Into The Digital Age

Contact us to see how you can help